
Free, open source software for race timing


The documentation below contains all of the information you need to know in order to use fsTimer to time your race.

Section 1 Installing fsTimer
Section 2 Overview
2.1 Opening and main windows
2.2 Importing preregistration
2.3 Registration
2.4 Compiling registrations
2.5 Race timing
2.6 Creating a new project
Section 3 Suggestions for race setup
Section 4 Detailed descriptions of fsTimer components
4.1 Setting up for a new race
4.2 Importing preregistration - details
4.3 Registration - details
4.4 Compiling registrations - details
4.5 Race timing - details
4.6 Timing multiple laps
4.7 Handicap races
Section 5 Additional details for developers