fsTimer documentation

Section 1 Installing fsTimer
Section 2 Overview
2.1 Opening and main windows
2.2 Importing preregistration
2.3 Registration
2.4 Compiling registrations
2.5 Race timing
2.6 Creating a new project
Section 3 Suggestions for race setup
Section 4 Detailed descriptions of fsTimer components
Section 5 Additional details for developers

Section 2 - Overview

fsTimer has two main functions. The first is to create and store a database of racer information (name, bib number, age, gender, etc.). The second is to record times, which are then correlated with the racer information to produce results printouts.

In this section of the documentation (Section 2) we will briefly go through all of the main components of fsTimer, without going into the details of all of the things you can/must do. This section should give you a general feel for how fsTimer works, the capabilities of fsTimer, and an idea of the amount of work required to use fsTimer to time your race. A complete description of every part of fsTimer will come later in the documentation, in Section 4.

This documentation will be most useful when it is treated as a tutorial, with fsTimer running alongside on your own computer.

Continue on to Section 2.1 Opening and main windows.